Monday, November 17, 2008

For how long can you do this?

It's Swedish and it says: We're building a new home-page.
Forsman & Bodenfors is a thoroughly modern agency with a solid creative reputation.
They were relatively slow to join the www train.
When most every agency had a crappy home-page just because it seemed to be thing to have, they still had none.
When they finally entered the game it was with an entertaining little gem.
What made it worthwhile however was the great work they do for most of their clients.
They quickly became one of the foremost interactive shops by entering not just to look hip, but because they felt it was about time to do it and do it well.
Because they are creatively driven. True creative people and their agencies find ways to
do great work no matter which medium.
Well, that can be learned, and it can be bought.
Much harder to come by.
There's no university handing out grades in the subject of ideas.
"So, hey, you are a doctor in what? Ideas? Isn't that a bit esoteric?"
Well, without ideas nothing will evolve. Which wasn't exactly what I meant to write about when I started writing this entry. (It's worth exploring much further in separate blogs.)
But it's related.
I wonder: how long will this be their home-page. It's been under construction for quite a while now. Like a year. Maybe more.
Isn't it better to just leave the old one up, update it now and then, rather than teasing with a promise that is now way overdue?

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